Construction Update: UO Tykeson Hall Nearly Complete

Construction of the Tykeson Hall College and Careers Building is nearly complete. The new facility, centrally located on the University of Oregon’s campus in Eugene, will house the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and an array of advising and student resources.

One of Tykeson’s most notable features is its unique terracotta rainscreen – while many of the University of Oregon’s historic buildings feature ornamental terracotta details on their facades and entries, the Tykeson Hall design team aimed to use terracotta as a contextual material applied in a contemporary manner. Manufactured by Shildan, shipped from a production plant in Germany, and installed by Streimer Sheet Metal, the terracotta rainscreen features five distinct, custom glaze colors. The open-joint rainscreen system was rigorously detailed such that a 3/8” gap appears between each terracotta panel, as well as anywhere the terracotta meets a door or window jamb, sill, or head. Each terracotta panel remains full-width, without having been cut or trimmed, and each of the building’s elevations was carefully planned to avoid adjacencies between panels of the same color, with each panel individually numbered for color and length.

Slated to open 2019 Fall term, Tykeson will soon serve thousands of students and faculty. Each of Tykeson’s floors was designed to evoke a unique Oregon landscape, and is linked to the other floors by a 5-story interactive art installation that hangs in the central stair.

terracotta screen

a rainbow in grayish tones

stripes of oregon sky