New Photography: LTD Santa Clara Station


New images from a series taken by Brian Davies of Lane Transit District’s Santa Clara Station in Eugene.


Aerials vividly reveal the layout of the site. Six bus bays loop around a central island with covered waiting areas. The roof planes are staggered, corresponding to the layout of the bus bays on either side of the platform. When it rains, these roofs channel water into plant beds and towards two half-circle stormwater planters at either end of the platform.

On-site stormwater management was a major goal throughout the site. The large stormwater retention basin to the west of the driver relief building, along with the other planters, treat and retain 100% of stormwater on site. Along with the transit station, the project also includes a Park and Ride lot, a new neighborhood connector street, and extensive modifications to the existing streets adjacent to the site.


Davies’ also took experiential street-level images. Passengers can seamlessly change buses below the gently sloped butterfly roofs, floating above tapered steel beams. The roofs are generous in size and relatively low to help effectively shield waiting passengers from rain. Waiting areas are integrated into landscaped areas.


The goals of the design were to create a convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable, and elegant station that would increase ridership and inspire a sense of community. The former Santa Clara Elementary School was located on the site, and, to commemorate this history, ornamental precast concrete plaques salvaged from the demolished school are incorporated into seating walls and the entry monument sign.