Beall Concert Hall Upgrades

University of Oregon

Rowell Brokaw Architects is currently working with the University of Oregon School of Music on the implementation of a series of acoustic and architectural interventions designed to improve the acoustic performance of the Beall Concert Hall across a variety of musical ensemble sizes and styles.

Starting with a laundry list of recommendations for the space outlined in a report commissioned by the School of Music, Rowell Brokaw worked with the School to investigate and further define the scope of the individual recommendations which make the most sense for the space and provide the most acoustical benefit for the cost. This process led to the identification of an initial group of four projects for the space:

  • Side stage sound diffusion panels
  • A backstage curtain with wing walls for the concealment of a large historic organ
  • Adjustable acoustically absorptive drapery used to tune acoustic characteristic of the front of the house
  • Replacement of the fixed and movable acoustic canopy suspended over the stage

The first project, side stage diffusion panels, is complete and in place while bid and construction documents have been completed for the wing walls and organ concealing curtain.

Rowell Brokaw is currently working on a study of the potential for expanding seating capacity in the space prior to beginning work on the other two initial acoustical projects as well as potentially a number of additional improvements to the space identified in the initial report, pending funding.