ECCO High School

Eugene, Oregon

Rowell Brokaw Architects is renovating Bailey Hill Elementary school to become ECCO High School. ECCO--Early College and Career Options—is an alternative high school that, in addition to GED support, offers Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways.

Bailey Hill Elementary School is a one-story, 40,000 SF building. Because of the tight budget, the project requires practical “nuts and bolts” thinking, yet still presents an opportunity to create a vibrant environment for learning. Improvements include addition of a new storage/shop building and renovation of the existing building to incorporate a daycare facility, improve accessibility, upgrade security, and refinish ceilings, walls and flooring.

In addition to these functional upgrades, systems upgrades and refurbishing will improve energy savings and reduce long-term maintenance costs. These upgrades include fixing and commissioning the existing mechanical systems, providing lighting upgrades (conversion to LED lighting), and enhancing indoor air quality (improved ventilation, cleaning out spaces, and low VOC paint). These targeted improvements will help reenergize the facility for its new use.